Evie Networks, developers of a nationwide network of ultra-fast electric vehicle chargers, has received a major funding boost with a commitment of an additional $28M by its major shareholder, St Baker Energy Innovation Fund. Evie Networks is now the most heavily funded EV charging operator in Australia.
Announced shortly after Infrastructure Australia listed electric vehicle charging infrastructure as one of 29 High Priority Initiatives for Australia, the additional funding of Evie Networks will supercharge this nation-wide infrastructure rollout.
Infrastructure Australia’s report was the latest in a series of independent reports, including the recommendations of a Senate Select Committee, noting the lack of infrastructure as a major barrier to realising the benefits of electrifying Australia’s transportation system.
Evie Networks’ initial rollout is focused on highway coverage linking the major capital cities, which aligns with the findings of the recent Infrastructure Australia report. Deployment is well progressed, with the first site on track to be operational by mid-2019.