Leading drinks retailer Dan Murphy’s, part of Endeavour Group, and Australia’s largest DC fast charging electric vehicle (EV) network, Evie Networks, are expanding their partnership after ongoing success following the installation of fast charging stations across four Dan Murphy’s sites in Australia in August.
The partnership is set to expand further, with the announcement of a new site at Dan Murphy’s Broadmeadows, Victoria, scheduled for the end of September. This site will feature two 75kW fast chargers, providing even faster charging options for EV owners.
Dan Murphy’s Managing Director, Agnieszka Pfeiffer-Smith, expressed her enthusiasm for the project’s impressive response: “We have seen this initiative really gain some strong traction around our existing sites in Batemans Bay, Swansea, Alphington, and Oakleigh.
This has been absolutely fantastic so far, but the rollout doesn’t stop there. We plan on introducing more stations over the next 12 months as part of our role to help provide eco-friendly solutions for a healthier planet.”
The current usage data for Dan Murphy’s live sites has been encouraging and reflects the range of ways EV drivers are conveniently incorporating charging into their lives, with almost 1,500 sessions by 650 unique drivers over the past six months. Evie’s chargers in Batemans Bay and Swansea were particularly popular for drivers over Easter and winter school holidays and continue to be relied on by drivers on weekend road trips. While our inner city chargers at Oakleigh South and Alphington have only been live for a few weeks, they are already proving popular for drivers looking for a top-up while they shop and for those without off-street parking.
Evie Networks and Dan Murphy’s currently have four sites live, all equipped with either 50kW or 75kW fast chargers. The first site launched earlier this year in Swansea, NSW, co-funded by ARENA. The other sites are in Batemans Bay, NSW, Alphington, and Oakleigh, Victoria.
Geoff Brady, Chief Operations Officer of Evie Networks, commented, “Evie is thrilled to continue to partner with Dan Murphy’s to support their vision of future-proofing their shopping destinations and enabling convenience for their customers to charge while doing their shopping”.
Our partnership with Dan Murphy’s is not only facilitating the expansion of EV charging infrastructure but also addressing concerns of “range anxiety” among motorists transitioning to electric vehicles”.